Weight - Reading Scales

Practice Activities For Download

Activity 1

Granny Maher's Recipe
Old Granny Maher has forgotten the amounts of each ingredient for her famous homemade cookies. Luckily she took photos of the ingredients last time she weighed them. Use the clues to complete the cookie recipe card
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Activity 2

Scales Hunt
If you have a weighing scales available you can complete Activity A if not try Activity B. find 10 different objects from around. Estimate their weight and check them by weighing them
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Slides for Download
Here you can download a PDF file of the slides I used to make this video lesson. They might be of some use to you when you are making your lesson!
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For Your Plans

From the Curriculum

Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Weight

Curriculum Objectives

The child should be enabled to:
1) Estimate, compare, measure and record the weight of a wide variety of objects using appropriate metric units (kg, g)
2) Solve and complete practical tasks and problems involving the addition and subtraction of units of weight (kg and g) and selecting suitable instruments of measurement
Rang Maher