Short Multiplication - Written Method

Activities and Resources

Activity 1

Short Multiplication Practice Sheet
Practice your short multiplication on the sums down below.
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For Your Plans

From the Curriculum

Strand: Number
Strand Unit: Operations

Curriculum Objectives

The child should be enabled to:
1) Multiply a one-digit or two-digit number by 0-10 2) Develop and/or recall multiplication facts within 100

Learning Objectives

-use the language of history including: chronology, timeline, causes, sources.

-sequence the events leading up to the start of WW1.

-identify some of the reasons why WW1 started.

-use online sources of information to research the flags of WW1 countries.

Learning Activities

-Video Stimulus: watch the video stimulus explaining the causes of WW1, pausing the video when prompted to answer stimulus questions.
-Comic Strip Sequencing: draw a three piece comic strip that explains the events of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination.
-Summarising: using the video content, summarise three reasons why war was inevitable, even without Ferdinand's assassination.
-Flag Research: using ICT resources, research the flags of various countries that took part in WW1. Research carefully to make sure you are finding sources that show WW1 flags not modern flags.


-Teacher Designed Tasks:
1) Comic Strip Sequence
2) Reasons for War
3) Flag Research Sheet

-Teacher Questioning:
1) Can you identify a few reasons why WW1 started?
2) Can you put the events of Franz Ferdinand's assassination in order?

Rang Maher