Capacity - Problem Busters

Practice Activities For Download

Activity 1

Capacity Practice Sheet
Fill the measuring jugs below with containers we would measure in millilitres (ML) and litres (L). You can draw or write in the boxes. I have done one for you to help.
Download Activity Sheet

Activity 2

Capacity Hunt
We’re going on a capacity hunt! You’re going to have to search around for containers that fit the measurements I give you. For an extra challenge, set the timer for 30 seconds for each run!
Download Activity Sheet


Slides for Download
Here you can download a PDF file of the slides I used to make this video lesson. They might be of some use to you when you are making your lesson!
Download Lesson Slides

For Your Plans

From the Curriculum

Strand: Measures
Strand Unit: Capacity

Curriculum Objectives

The child should be enabled to:
1) Estimate, compare, measure and record the capacity of a wide variety of objects using appropriate metric units
2) Solve and complete practical tasks and problems involving the addition and subtraction of units of capacity
Rang Maher